Personal Styling


20min Intro

Interested in personal styling and want to know more about how The Style Crusader works? Book a free introductory call.

We’ll discuss your background, approach to getting dressed and what you’re struggling with. Jennifer will also walk you through her approach to helping you better define your style and the steps we’ll taken to help you build a wardrobe full of pieces you really love.

These calls will be conducted via Zoom or FaceTime.


Style 101

This service is for anyone that’s struggling with their wardrobe and wants getting dressed to be easier.

Each person’s service will be tailored specifically to their needs. After a introduction call, we’ll determine what parts of you wardrobe you’d like to focus on first.

Do you need to do a closet detox? Are you struggling with what to wear to work? Would you like to create a spring capsule closet to simplify getting dressed?

Prices start at $250