Tumbled: reader submissions now live.

(Original Source: Carolines Mode)

Ohh la la, exciting news just in. I went and created a wee little tumblr yesterday. I've always detested the medium... surely it's only beneficial for allowing people to rip off other people's work and creating a downward spiral into the world of infinite click-backs... which never get you to the original source? Yes, many a tumblr site is prone to offensive cases of copyright infringement, however, I've decided it's not so bad as long as you make a clear link back to the original source (see above). Now, you might be thinking 'uhh... don't you already have a blog?!'... why, yes, you're right, I do... but this is different.

My Tumblr site has three main purposes:

1. Sartorial and inspirational mind vomit (appealing, no?)

2. Random photos I've taken. These will include details about which lens I've used because I keep getting questions about lenses... so this will create a little selection of images with lens details so you can compare photos and lenses... if you are that way inclined.

3. Reader submissions: yes yes yessss, I've gotten some requests for reader submissions... some of you want to send in photos of your kids dressed up like mini robotic crusaders, others want to rant about your class mates wearing pajamas to school... whatever you want to share, you can submit it through the tumblr page (there's a little 'submit' button at the top). Mmmmk? So if you see anything tacky, wacky, or just generally freaking awesome... send it over.

Get Tumbling here.

p.s. I will be launching a competition in conjunction with this new hot diggity tumblr and anyone that sends in submissions pre-giveaway will have additional entries added (just sayin... not that an of you need extra motivation).


Bogen 33


Matthew Zorpas: LFW AW11