Fancy getting your lips the same pinkish shade that mine are in the above photo? Well, isn't this just your lucky day then. I'm giving away one of these new YSL Baby Doll lip glosses in Rose. It goes on like a gloss but stains your lips for a long lasting colour. Thankfully I've got two so you can have one of them. Just leave a comment on this post to be entered into the giveaway. I'll pick a winner in a week.
I'm usually really not into red. I think it's a bit brash and doesn't really suit me. Lately though I've taken a liking to it. Next to pale skin it brings a burst of colour that makes winter skin feel a bit more lively. I'm currently obsessed with this YSL rouge volupte lipstick. Whack it on with even the dullest of outfits and suddenly everything feels a bit more fabulous. I've also pulled out this old buffalo checked red flannel shirt from the bottom of my wardrobe - it's perfect for chilly days.
Hope you're enjoying the transition into winter. xx
Savage Beauty
The McQueen exhibition at the Met is incredible. People were waiting in line for hours to get in. Surely a show that has received so much hype wouldn't be able to live up to my expectations, I thought as I walked in. Not so. Each room is perfectly presented and, to my mind, did McQueen absolute justice.
It begins with McQueen's graduate collection and work from his time at Givenchy before moving on to his later work. One massive room is devoted to accessories and has films playing throughout with snapshots into some of his most extraordinary catwalk productions (cue robotic paint jobs from SS1999 and the chessboard from SS2005). Although there is vast variation between collections a core aesthetic carries between each room - making it remarkably evident that McQueen had a solid vision that was continuously perfected through each new collection. The room focusing on this AW1995 collection, Highland Rape, was my absolute favourite. The day we went the temperature was sitting at over 105 degrees. We walked across Central Park, felt serious sympathy for all the runners, and tried to slurp down our yoghurt before it melted into one giant puddle. A pretty heavenly day I'd have to say... if you happen to find yourself in New York, definitely check out Savage Beauty.
Wearing: random sunglasses bought on ebay, Ralph Lauren polo, Levi 501 diy shorts, white converse, YSL arty ring, and Half n' Half bag from One Language. More photos here.
der Schweizer
For some unknown reason I'm craving all sorts of things that remind me of being a kid... like pony tails and little girly sandals with straps that go around the ankle. I've taken on a newly formed liking to pink and hearts. I'm not sure why this is happening.
The Swiss know how to do some things right. Like coffee and pretzels... but also Sundays. Just about everything is closed which can be frustrating if you're on the search for milk or sugar but it's actually pretty darn sweet. Most people can be found either sitting on their balconies, outside cafes, or playing chess in a little park that overlooks the Alps. As I spent most the weekend scrubbing the bathroom, mopping floors, and packing bags in preparation for moving flats... a Sunday afternoon spent drinking iced coffees and roaming the nearly empty streets of Zurich provided a much welcomed break.
For some unknown reason I'm craving all sorts of things that remind me of being a kid... like pony tails and little girly sandals with straps that go around the ankle. I've taken on a newly formed liking to pink and hearts plus each time I get an ice-cream cone it seems to melt so quickly that it drips down the sides and onto my fingers (surely the sort of thing you only see happening to zoned out little children en route to becoming seriously sticky). Maybe it's all this fresh air or the lack of a full time job... whatever it is, it's good and I'm liking it.
Wearing: pink satin sandals and leather miniskirt from Zara, white burnout t-shirt from Urban Outfitters, striped bag from Ikea with black Elizabeth Lau heart attached, Super sunglasses and YSL arty ring.
what's with the craze?

utterly ridiculous...