A man in a skirt can be a very good look. I'm not sure how a man comes to wear his first skirt though... is it a monumental life changing moment? A friend of mine wore a skirt on a trip to Antwerp once and I remember him telling me that people were literally scowling at him on the street. Surely some cities are more willing to embrace the look than others. All this to say, I pretty much love everything about this guys look.
Unfortunately I've only ever really seen it at Scottish weddings and fashion week. Why is it that a man wearing a skirt is still such a cliche in North America and Europe? Marc Jacobs comes to mind as one of the most notable men to have sported the skirt. But even so, most men aren't following suit.
Surely it isn't the easiest look to pull off or the simplest item to come by. You won't find skirts in the mens section of any high street shops, that's for sure. Even the LN-CC, which is one of the most progressive boutiques, doesn't stock any men's skirts. They do have one Ann Deeulemeester apron but it's already sold out.
A man in a skirt can be a very good look. I'm not sure how a man comes to wear his first skirt though... is it a monumental life changing moment? A friend of mine wore a skirt on a trip to Antwerp once and I remember him telling me that people were literally scowling at him on the street. Surely some cities are more willing to embrace the look than others. All this to say, I pretty much love everything about this guys look. The red leather biker jacket paired with the matching plaid jumper. The massively oversized black scarf. I'd wear this outfit head-to-toe. Minus the beard of course.
So where do you weigh in on the skirt issue? If you're a guy, would you wear one? If you're a girl, would you go for a guy that did or be happy if your man decided to wear one?
This morning, I spotted Marie around Somerset House. I absolutely love her outfit – the simple little printed dress, the leather jacket draped over her shoulders, the socks with her masculine shoes. I adore her bright red lips and her fair skin is making me detest my tan. Most of all though, her look won me over because of the cheeky little way she’s got her hat twisted to the side. It should be a bit cliche but somehow she totally pulls it off.
Usually when I go to London I stay in the same place (Covent Garden) and eat at the same place (Byron). So, I thought maybe it was about time that I branch out a bit and try something different. You know, maybe venture east and take on the London Overground (I always thought it was the black hole of death but it turns out it's not so bad). This new adventure brought me to Dalston where I rested my head at the Avo Hotel. This unpretentious little gem was established in 2011, before which it was a post office, and is spread out over three floors. The rooms are compact and offer everything you could need, including dreamy views over the city's most iconic buildings. The best bit though has got to be the rainfall shower - I never wanted to step out of it. The walls are decked out in photographs by local artists and you can borrow DVD's for the hotel's ample collection. Most boutique hotels come with a hefty price tag but this isn't so with the Avo Hotel. Rooms start at just £79, so if you're looking for a well priced place to stay in London... well, look no further.
While in town I had the absolute joy of trying out Apsleys, a Heinz Beck restaurant that boasts its own Michelin Star. It's located at the grand Lanesborough Hotel in Knightsbridge and was well worth the trek across town. We had a (wait for it) seven course menu with wine for each chosen by the sommelier. To say we rolled out would be an understatement. You'd expect, with so many courses, for each to be tiny but this wasn't the case at all. Go to Apsleys and order the Carbonara Fagotelli, it will literally blow your mind. Each little piece of pasta is filled with a liquid concoction that oozes out as soon as you bite into it. When you receive it the waiter warms you against cutting each piece open with your knife because the contents will spill out. Instead, pop it into your mouth as one piece and enjoy as it bursts open. So delicious. I would go back simply for that single course alone, although all the others were delicious as well.
Meet one of my favourite cardigans. By Swedish brand DAGMAR, it's super fluffy and soft with a multicoloured pattern from the waist down. It's so warm that when I was in London I could wear it without a coat or a jacket. Love.
Wearing: DAGMAR cardigan, Joseph trousers, Aila bag, Muriee scarf and Ash shoes.
Yellow & Fluffy
With the weather turning slightly more chilly I've started pulling out the thick knits. I love this yellow fluffy jumper by Acne. The only problem? It sheds fluorescent fuzz onto everything and everyone that makes contact with it. I still love it though.
With the weather turning slightly more chilly I've started pulling out the thick knits. I love this yellow fluffy jumper by Acne. The only problem? It sheds fluorescent fuzz onto everything and everyone that makes contact with it. I still love it though.
Wearing: Acne knit, Helmut Lang skirt, MCM bag and Converse.
Photos by Kit
Vintage lace-ups versus second-hand Celine wedges.
Daniella found her shoes at a shop in Canada and Charlie got her yummy Celine wedges on eBay. It goes to show that sometimes it's best to avoid regular shops altogether. The autumn/winter collections are starting to hit stores and it's really easy to get super excited about all the brand new pieces that are in. But, just because something is new it doesn't mean it's good. I'm headed to Sweden tonight an I can't wait to go to the Acne Archive store. I'm desperate to get my hands on some discounted Acne. Weeeee!! Wish me luck. I hope I find something good.
As I wiggled my way into this dress I felt myself being transported to another place altogether... to that world where life is bathed in golden sunshine. You can't help but feel a little wonderful with all that elasticated sex-appeal sucking you in from every angle.
I was considering whether I ought to start this post with a melodramatic story about beaches, mojitos and bronzed skin. It was to be set in a land where everyone is flawless and dripped in unending sunshine. People named Sven and Tiffany lounge by glistening pools and live off bubblegum, they have nothing to do and nowhere to go. In my mind, this is the world that the We Are Handsome customer belongs to.
I was wondering if the brand, that's become synonymous with edgy videos and growling animals, could be transported into real life. It's all skin-tight stretchy fabric... surely this isn't meant for city streets or real people? Rihanna might be able to pull it off but that doesn't mean anyone else can. Each piece seems to encapsulate the allure of summer, making the mind-blowing body conscious pieces just too good to resist.
As I wiggled my way into this dress I felt myself being transported to another place altogether... to that world where life is bathed in golden sunshine. You can't help but feel a little wonderful with all that elasticated sex-appeal sucking you in from every angle. Yeah, I might have just been walking down the grey streets of London but I felt like, if I could just skip through the right alley, I'd wind up being transported somewhere exotic.
I wore this floral print dress with a slouchy black cardigan and Converse for a bit of balance. In my world tight and short always require a bit of de-sexifying and nothing does that quite as well as a bunch of fresh flowers pushed into a brown leather bag. Yumm. I wish I had flowers on standby to carry with me everyday... they make the perfect accessory (potentially even better than a puppy).
I also tried a swimsuit with a mega low dipped back. It was gorgeous and I loved it under a pair of jeans. If your swimsuit is this crazy beautiful then it deserves to be worn during the day. I'm now a little obsessed with the dreamy prints and skin-tight fits that We Are Handsome does so well. These are definitely the sort of pieces that could easily migrate into my daily life, they don't just have to be worn on yachts or music videos.
Wearing: We Are Handsome dress and swimsuit (via Pfeffer PR), Stylein jumper, Swedish Hasbeens bag, Lucy Folk bracelets, and Mykita sunglasses.
Photos by Kit
A letter to my fellow bloggers
I've thought a lot about what it means to be a blogger. There's an increasing amount of shame associated with having a blog, especially at industry events where there are real press and other people who actually deserve their invitations. I'd like to share my thoughts on this and find out how you feel.
Hi bloggers,
How's it going? I thought it might be a good idea for us to clear some things up. As I'm sure you already know, we have a bit of a bad rap in some circles - what, with all the front row stealing and endless piles of free stuff we get sent (cough). Since London Fashion Week, I've thought a lot about what it means to be a blogger. There's an increasing amount of shame associated with having a blog, especially at industry events where there are real press and other people who actually deserve their invitations. I'd like to share my thoughts on this and find out how you feel.
First, I just want to point out how dear I find the whole platform of blogging. As you know, I started this blog almost three years ago. It was a little shocking to start off with (wait, you still might find it shocking... but go on, click here, the original posts are even scarier) but I stuck with it. So delirious was I with my new-found platform of self-expression that I posted frequently and regularly despite the fact that no one was reading. Never in one-hundred-gazillion years did I ever think the blog would lead to anything. I didn't expect anyone to be interested and I didn't care if my Site Meter read '5'. The point was that I had a place where I could say what I thought and post what I wanted in whatever way I saw fit. Shoddy photos, who cares? Poor grammar, so what? No one was grading what I did and I didn't have to impress anyone.
Somewhere down the line that changed.
When I met other bloggers I felt a growing pressure: 'What camera do you use? Where are your jeans from? Are you going to that press day tomorrow?'
The further you fall into something the less you are able to see it for what it truly is. When you collaborate with a brand or get invited to an event you start to feel a degree of obligation. After all, you're just a blogger. You should be thankful to have even been contacted.
The crux of the problem between fashion bloggers and the industry is the disconnect between expectations. There is an anger and a judgement directed at the poor journalistic standards. But, most bloggers don't claim to be journalists. There are hard feelings when a blogger is seated in the front row (if she wears a big hat that blocks the view of those behind her - even worse). But, surely, if the PR seats that blogger in the front row then only they are the ones to blame? When at a show, it's a simple courtesy to try to be as unobtrusive to the people around you as possible. It isn't rocket science to politely ask someone if they wouldn't mind taking their hat off. If they refuse, spit in your face, and declare, 'It's fashion, darling', then you probably have a reason to be pissed off. But there's no point sitting around disgruntled and bitter if you didn't even attempt to amend the situation yourself.
There should be no shame in admitting to be a blogger. We shouldn't feel the need to pretend to be something we're not or be too embarrassed/angry to apply for a Blogger Pass at LFW. I really think that if we're honest with ourselves and with others the entire blogger/industry relationship would benefit greatly. Below are my thoughts/tips on how best to deal with the industry side of things:
1. Be honest about who you are and what you have to offer. Don't ever lie about this. People listen, they remember, and they talk. Don't ever say anything in an e-mail or to someone's face that you wouldn't happily have them repeat on Twitter for the entire world to hear. There is nothing wrong with giving information out about your blog stats. If it's helpful for a brand to know which countries most of your traffic comes from, then tell them. Whether you have 100,000 hits a day or ten, there shouldn't be any shame.
2. Consider which brands/PRs/designers you really want to work with. When I say 'work' I don't necessarily mean paid work - I mean a general working relationship. Your blog is precious. Only you get to decide what goes on it. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty for not inserting the links they want in a post. If it feels wrong to you then it's wrong. There are people out there that will want to support you and collaborate with you on your conditions. Take the time to look for them and don't expect it to happen overnight.
3. Be informed when signing up to networks or placing ads on your site. You can tell when a link is an affiliate one - even if the URL name tries to hide it. I can honestly say that I have never received any compensation that was worthwhile from doing a sponsored post or slotting in a cheeky affiliate link. This is why, currently, my blog is entirely ad free. If you decide to enter into a 'cost per action' scheme then make sure you have a freaking butt load of traffic going through your site. Otherwise you'll be left wondering why you agreed to do it in the first place. Brands moved from pay-per-click to pay-per-buy for a reason... it's because they get a lot of exposure without having to pay you very much (or often anything).
4. Don't get bitter. Try not to compare yourself to other bloggers. Obviously, this can be difficult - we always see what people around us are doing and wonder how we measure up. You can't help but notice when a blogger has 1 million comments on every post, the newest Proenza Schouler bag and a Jag to pick them up at the airport when they arrive in Cannes. Stop it though. Stop comparing yourself. Trust me, it's not worth it.
5. Think about what you're doing and why. I really can't stress this enough. A lot of people are starting blogs because they want to work in the fashion industry. That's fine. Whether you're eleven, eighteen, or eighty-five you can use a blog to showcase your talent and present what you're passionate about. Do not start, or keep up, a blog because you think it will get you free stuff or get you into fashion shows. The reality is, these things are often not free and having a blog (no matter how 'big' it might be) doesn't guarantee that a designer or PR will want you at their show.
6. Be grateful for what you are given. Whether it's an e-mail with a look book attached, an invitation to a launch, a thank you for reviewing a product or a free stay at a luxury hotel. Remember to say 'thank you' and be kind. If you aren't interested in, say, what Rihanna wore to that party last night just respond and explain why it isn't relevant to your blog and ask to be taken off the mailing list.
7. Don't seek fame. I don't believe that having a blog should be, on any level, a quest for stardom.
8. Hold onto the magic. Blogging requires passion, motivation, inspiration and a lot of time. It is, at its core, intended to be personal. That's the only thing that distinguishes it from an online magazine and that's exactly what makes it a vital piece of media. You aren't getting paid to have a blog. Why should you be? It's your little slice of the web. So, if you aren't having fun with it, why bother?
These are just my thoughts and my take on blogging, if you disagree please let me know.
Hope you're well. xx
p.s. these photos were taken by Kit- they're nice, right?
p.s.s. so, do you like my outfit? It's my 'relaxed and chilled-out but at the same time hotttt' look. Umm, yes it is hot. I'm wearing a short black leather skirt - that's as sexy as I get - but with a long silk coat, a canvas bag, and manky Converse (not seen, but I promise they are there). It looks more disgruntled mess than hooker... which I like to think is a good thing. Incase you're interested: TBA coat, Maison Scotch jumper, 2nd Day skirt, Lucy Folk bracelets, Maria Nilsdotter ring, Bottletop Luciana clutch, and Versace sunglasses (stolen from Charlie).
Bizarrely, nothing quite sends me over the bliss-edge quite like a good 'Year in Review.' From Reuters to Gawker, Float Fast Hummingbird and they all stir up warm feelings of nostalgia and make me excited for the things that are to come.
2011 was a pretty big year full of lots of changes and exciting things. Here's a little peek into a some of my favourite bits...
December's uniform...
Since getting my hands on this jacket I've struggled not to wear it everyday. It's so fluffy I'm gonna die. With long leather patches along the front of the arms and holes for your thumbs to stick through - it's like a woolen irresistible dream. I keep getting told that it's too cold for it, surely I should be wearing a real coat seeing as it's nearly freezing outside. But I'd gladly be a little chilly if it means I get to wear this jacket.
Wearing: DAGMAR jacket (the Shop at Bluebird), Sambag tote, 7 for all Mankind jeans and Topshop Ambush boots.
Photos by Kit
Just cut it off...
I've never been one to readily embrace change so when I walked into Taylor Taylor a couple of weeks ago my grandiose plans to chop it all off quickly turned rather sheepish. I whipped out a photo of Jayne and said, 'like this' - only to then backtrack and reveal my uncertainty over cutting off the hair I'd spent the last two years growing out. Cue ten minutes of deliberation, during which both the hair stylist and colorist talked me through my hair type plus the pros and cons of going shorter. In the end I shoved my face into my hands and garbled an incoherent 'just do it.'
A couple hours later I emerged a blonder perkier version of my past self. Introduced to the wonders of a round brush and hair products (hello mousse) I'm never looking back. In fact, I'm already making mental plans to go back so that I can go even shorter.
Massive thank you to Taylor Taylor for the most wonderful cut and colour. There's nothing more upsetting than leaving a hair appointment feeling that you didn't receive what you asked for and the amount of time they spent, before even getting started, ensured that didn't happen. I couldn't recommend the place enough. Also, huge thank you to Kit, who trekked across London to keep me company and take these photos. Thank you, Kit.
Wearing: DAGMAR Flisa silk chiffon top, 7 for all Mankind skinny jeans, Topshop ambush boots and SAMBAG tote.
Old Shoreditch Station...
On my last day in London I had breakfast with Charlie at the Old Shoreditch Station where we were serenaded by a barista boy and watched a psychedelic surreal mural being painted onto the wall. The whole experience was only made better by the warm coffee-house vibe and the fact that you could skip right next door into No-One, a shop stocked with loads of awesome Scandinavian brands (Dagmar, Won Hundred, Cheap Monday etc etc). This was my final meal with long hair. Straight after I hopped over to Taylor Taylor where I had 9 inches cut off my manky mane. But, more on that later...
Hope you're having a great weekend! xx
Being thankful...
My Thanksgiving didn't quite go the way the way it was meant to: there were no turkeys to be found (I failed at even getting my hands on a replacement chicken) so I made Greek salad instead. Normally I'd watch Planes, Trains and Automobiles but decided to go for the Sopranos. It all felt decidedly un-festive. There wasn't a big meal, no Macy's parade or football to watch and I couldn't even get revved up for Black Friday madness... it felt a bit like any other day. That was until I came across this post. It made me want to sit around a table and indulge in that cringe-worthy tradition of having to say what you're thankful for. And, if I did the things that would top my list would of course be friends and family. Despite them being spread across countless cities and countries it's always the best when you're reunited. Also, I'm pretty darn thankful for this little here blog and for the people (ehem, that you) that keep coming back to it . Unexpectedly, this has given me the opportunity to pursue all sorts of things I never thought possible.
Okay, enough with the sentimentals because I have something very important to say. I'm seriously obsessed with these boots - they have become the Converse of my winter. I wear them pretty much everyday and they are only getting better and softer and more wonderful. That is all.
Wearing: Zara jumper, Topshop Ambush boots, Moto leigh burgundy jeans, Sambag black snakeskin tote and black scarf borrowed from Charlie. Photos by Shini. p.s. Congratulations to the winner of the Cooee Designs giveaway - Emily from Wardrobe Block.
It's all changing
Autumn and I tend to bump heads. It always comes a bit too early and unpleasantly fast. Snatching away the last bits of warmth, it strips the trees of their leaves and slowly sucks away my tan. But, I suppose it's not so bad. When it's cold meals tend to get longer, drinks warmer, and bellies a little pudgier. I've already started spending my evenings on the couch with hot chocolate and Christmas movies... hah, I know I'm a bit early but what the heck - it's hard to resist.
When I was last in London I spent an afternoon with Charlie and Lexxie at the Albion. It's one of my favourite places to go whenever I'm in town. Despite there being a big selection of delicious sounding things on the menu I always always order the breakfast bap. It totally sums up English breakfast for me and you can't get anything like it in Switzerland.
Outfit photos by Lexxie. Wearing: Charlie's Burberry mac and hat. Topshop jumper, boots, and burgundy jeans. American Apparel bag.
p.s. I've been trying to make some changes to the blog (font/slider etc) if you have any thoughts (positive or negative) please let me know.
Lessons in levitation
It was a chilly afternoon a few weeks ago in London and the perfect opportunity to try out a bit of levitation. It's a tricky thing to do. You've got to concentrate really hard, think light thoughts, imagine yourself floating above the ground... but most importantly jump high, be still, and try to snap the photo while you're headed up rather than when you're crashing back towards the ground.
It was Shini that introduced me to the wonderful world of Natsumi Hayashi and her levitating antics. Seriously, how does she get so high? Does she have an invisible trampoline underneath her? Is she actually a life sized puppet held up by strings? I'm not sure but I'm hooked and I have a long way to go in learning how to levitate.
Photos taken by Shini. Reflection also includes Miss Kit Lee. Wearing: Vivetta CrisCris coat, Seven for all Mankind skinny jeans, SAMBAG tote, Laird & Co Hatters crushable fedora and Converse.