There is definitely a little anti-social bug nestled deep within me. I love spending the weekend inside wearing cashmere jumpers and silk shorts. It's a little odd but baking feels like a miniature luxury... eating the cake afterwards is obviously the best part. I've yet to perfect the appearance of my baked goods. They always come out a little wonky - they're often lopsided and the frosting never seems to go on quite right. Oh well, I console myself with the fact that they always taste delicious... surely that's what really matters?
p.s. I learnt a little trick: sprinkle fanta on your cake once it's cooled to make it extra-super-duper moist.
Wearing: LUCZA cashmere jumper and silk shorts.
Merry Christmas!
Nothing brings out family traditions quite like Christmas. Every year, since I can remember, my family has made a birthday cake for Jesus. We light candles, sing and blow out the candles before any presents are opened. Decorating the cake was always a highly anticipated event that my sister and I would perfectly plot... now my niece and nephew take over, making a mountainous pile of icing and sprinkles in the middle. It might sound (and look) a little silly but it's the simplest and tastiest way to remember what this day is really about.
Hoping that everyone has the merriest of days! xx
utterly ridiculous...