Autumn 2016

At a stage where I'm in constant bemusement over the increasingly fast pace of times movement. It's embarrassing how often I ask if it's really mid-July. 

But really, is it seriously mid-July?! This year is going by way too fast. Life is just ticking along and it seems as though summer will be gone before I know it. As much as I love the heat, I've got to say the constant high of 100+ degrees (that's 40+ for those of you living in Celsius) is getting a bit old. Thank heavens everywhere in America, my house included, has air conditioning. Were it not the case, you'd have a very grumpy girl on your hands.

Entertaining my thoughts lately are dreams of autumnal dressing (pass the layers), skinny straps (be them on shoulders or on backs), coffee delivered in bed (my husband has started doing this on the weekend), and trips to faraway places. Now that I live in America this entire country seems to be at my fingertips - my inner wanderlust is calling out for a road trip. I'm off to England next month but I'm thinking in the fall I'll set off on that road trip. The Grand Canyon is calling.

Photos from a selection on Pinterest




Charlotte Brontë