some friends I want you to meet...
A couple weeks ago at the Sketchbook Pop Up Shop I helped run a little workshop on blogging with Jill. To be honest, I half expected that we would just have a little chat with each other... surely no one was going to show, right? Well, I was seriously wrong. Some really incredible people rocked up and it was quite the encouraging experience. There is a really great network of bloggers around London and I'm so thrilled to have gotten the opportunity to meet so many of them. Although our friendships are all very new I feel I know them well already from following their blogs and their tweets. Not only are they all seriously stylish but they are also bizarrely brainy (studying law, politics etc) and so friendly. One of the overarching themes of our talk was about how to keep your head above the water and get noticed in a blogosphere that can feel over-saturated. My advice? Get out there, don't be afraid to get involved in events and activities that are taking place - being able to put a real live face to a blog goes a very long way. So, with all that said... I'd like to introduce you to some of my new friends. I wont say much about them because I'll let their blogs do the talking: Toni of The Fashion Cloud (whose bracelet I am seriously drooling all over), Tobi - who is one part of the duo behind Style by Queens (loving her mixture of a dainty little floral dress with tough biker boots and an army jacket), Iris of London Fashion Diary (how sweet are her layered florals?), and Natayla of Treasures of a Ladybug (whose YSL bag I am totally coveting).

p.s. If you'd like to find out about upcoming London blogger get togethers contact me and I'll add you to my mailing list. Also, why don't you join the conversation and follow me on twitter.