navy reworked...
i spotted peaches geldof in the tent at somerset house as i was waiting to go into the eun jeong show. at first no one noticed her, she was chomping away on an apple, and talking to her friend. i didn't want to act like an obnoxious paparazzi so attempted to be sly and shimmied over near her and took the above photo. as i was doing that, casually and discreetly i might add, two other ladies came over and got in her face and started screeching about how they could offer her free clothes to wear to events and started snapping her photo... i suddenly felt pretty mortified and darted back to where i was sitting. i couldn't resist though, i wanted to get her photo. even if it hadn't been peaches geldof i still would have wanted to get her photo. she looked seriously stunning.
wearing a navy coat with gold buttons, bright red dress (poking out just the right amount), and super high black strappy heels. she couldn't keep both feel firmly on the ground the whole time i saw her... it's a wonder she didn't tip over. she looked way more put together and lady-like than i would have imagined. not at all the hot-mess image portrayed in the magazines. she was also way thinner than i had expected, but surprisingly not in a gaunt sort of way... more like she had been on a few runs. apologies for my inadequately blurry photos, but i just wanted to show you my take on what the elusive celebrity is like...