expect the unexpected...
there is no doubt about it - i'm a blog junkie. although this addiction might not be quite as destructive as the substance abuse that other addicts dabble in it has managed to alter my daily existence. mind you, i'm a bit under the weather and, as a result, most ordinary things are taking on a momentous character... i blame it on the lack of sleep and copious amounts of cough medicine that mr. crusader keeps trying to force feed me. but nevertheless, this world of blogging has been influential in my life over the last nine months. no doubt, had i refrained from starting this little entity more time would have been spent studying and my chance of graduating with a distinction would be highly more likely. never mind that though, some sacrifices are worth making. one thing this has all taught me is that you need not cast yourself into a single category and you should always avoid preconceptions that have the power to hold you back.
so what does this all have to do with shini? well, in my mind she is one of the best bloggers around and not just because she gets thousands of hits a day. she is insanely talented and driven. her photographs are beautiful, her posts are well written (just the right mix of clever, quirky, and insightful), she always manages to throw together the most original and inspiring outfits, she's a master at diy projects (being able to turn the most mundane item into something crazy-covetable) and to top it all off she is ludicrously down to earth. when i first met her at fashion week she seemed genuinely surprised that i had seen her blog (whereas another person introduced them self to me as being 'the next big thing' on the London blogging scene - needless to say they really weren't). humility and charisma go hand-in-hand in my books and to my mind shini has got the combination down just right. she is the nicest girl around and the most genuine. she doesn't take herself too seriously or let any of the hype get to her head. i absolutely adore her. she, along with every thing else i have experienced so far, was definitely not what i was expecting from my ever growing blog addiction...

Shini wears: Uniqlo sweatshirt, Gmarket jeans, scarf and shoes, Cos bracelet, Timex watch, DIY on vintage bag. To see more photos I took of Shini and her shiny new bike on that same day click here.