a streetheart...

Taking people's cards at LFW, or any event for that matter, is useless. You get home, dump out all the collected cards, and have no clue which belonged to each person you met. I decided to solve this problem by photographing cards I received directly after taking the person's picture to whom it belonged. The only problem is, in some cases, they have no individual names which still leaves you a bit in the dark. Case in point: the one above. When I took it I didn't recognize the name on it and later in the day, when Shini and I were resting our aching feet and scrolling through Bloglovin in the press lounge, we came across the site. 'Oh! I like that... send me a link so I remember to look at it again' I told Shini. When I got home and opened my DM to see the site was The Street Hearts I felt like an absolute tool...  I took that very card from someone earlier in the day. Oh well, that wouldn't be the first time I made a fool of myself that day (the peak moment being when I asked Tommy Ton if I could take his picture... cringe... at least I got a laugh out of the girls who watched the spectacle take place). Anyway, all this to say the above girl gave me a card from The Street Hearts but I can't seem to find any info about her on the site. Does anyone know who she is? The site is gorgeous by the way. Check it out for some inspiring street style.

p.s. innovative play on lengths - the long cardi is officially back on the radar.


now you see it...
