It was exactly eight years ago, shortly after I'd moved to Oxford from California, that I went back home to the states in search of a winter coat.

Having grown up in hot climates I'd never really had a proper coat before and I wasn't sure what kind to get. So I headed to Burlington Coat Factory in search of a bargain with my mom and settled on this ankle grazing Bill Blass number. When I got back to England I wore it out for the first time and instantly realized I was massively out of place. No one my age was wearing long coats... I felt like an utter muppet and vowed to never wear it again.

Then this winter rolled around and suddenly long coats were hot on my mind. I think it was partially due to this Pinterest board which features oodles of saucy chicks rocking long coats to perfection. I searched all over my flat until I found the coat at the bottom of a box in my storage room. It was crinkled and covered in fluff. I put it on and looked like an absolute mess but vowed to clean it up and make it work. Since then it has been the only thing I've been wearing whenever I leave the flat. Although haven't seen anyone my age wearing this sort of coat around Zurich I don't mind being a bit out of place anymore. 

Wearing: Bill Blass coat, Gap hap, Acne jeans, New Balance sneakers, Lilifi clutch, Zara jumper and vintage stole. 




En Soie, Zurich